Field Trips
Marin Audubon Society is providing a full schedule of free field trips for the 2024 season.
Advance registration is required for most of our trips, nearly all which have size limits to prevent overcrowding. Registration on the MAS website’s Field Trips page will open ten days before the trip date.
Trips can fill up quickly. Please register early to make sure you get a spot. If you won’t be able to attend a trip that you have registered for, please cancel using the “contact organizer” button on Ticketbud so that the spot may be opened up for someone else.
Attention: Recently Ticketbud has not opened for trip signups precisely at 8:00AM. This has led to confusion among would be participants who assumed the message “There are no tickets available at this time” means the trip is already sold out, but it doesn’t, so please try to sign up again a minute or two later. Ticketbud is working on the problem.
Our field trips are free to our members and the public, but we greatly appreciate your donations to support our programs and conservation projects! A donation of $35 or more qualifies you for an annual membership at Marin Audubon Society! **New Members Only
Become a Chapter Supporting Member of the Marin Audubon Society starting at $35 a year, or RENEW your membership today! Your membership helps to fund important efforts such as our ongoing habitat restoration projects, the Monarch Rescue Project, our Northern Spotted Owl Outreach program, and of course our monthly field trips and speaker series! We cannot do these important projects, along with our many other efforts, without the support of our dedicated members!
The Ponds at Las Gallinas Valley Sanitary District
Thursday, October 3, 2024 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM Birding with Mark Clark All participants are welcome to join this trip. We welcome bird enthusiasts of all levels, especially beginning birders, to join leader Mark Clark on our monthly walk around the ponds at Las Gallinas. On our search we’ll be looking for waterfowl, waders, songbirds, raptors, rails and swallows. With fall migration underway, shorebirds are arriving from their nesting grounds and we are likely to spot some interesting species, so come assist in our search. The packed dirt paths around the ponds are wide, flat and easy to navigate. Heavy rain cancels DIRECTIONS: From Hwy 101, exit at Smith Ranch Rd. Drive east on Smith Ranch Rd. toward McInnis Park. Turn left immediately after crossing the railroad tracks and drive about 0.5 mile through the LGVSD gates and into the parking lot at the end of the road. Meet the group by the bridge just past the parking lot. There is a portable restroom in the parking area for public use.
Abbotts Lagoon and the Inverness Tennis Area – Birding in Marin
Birding in Marin - Series 9, Trip 10 Saturday, October 5th, 2024 8:30 AM to mid-afternoon Birding with Jim White and Bob Battagin Register HERE for this Field Trip Registration required for this trip. Registration opens on September 26th at 8:00 AM. Abbotts Lagoon on the Pacific Coast in the Point Reyes National Seashore is one of Marin’s premier birding locations, sporting an eBird sum of 283 species. Fall migration south along the coast brings many birds to this area. Some that we hope to see include Ferruginous Hawk, Baird’s and Pectoral Sandpipers, Red-necked Phalaropes, Lapland Longspur, Horned Lark and Pipits. Hundreds of ducks of a dozen species, geese, herons, Peregrines and Ospreys are also likely visitors. Plus, you get some exercise; out and back is about 2 miles (some in sand). Pack a lunch for a picnic on the beach and bring a couple of layers for the fresh ocean air and help us spot a rarity. After leaving Abbotts Lagoon, we plan to stop along Tomales Bay near the Inverness Tennis club to look for Pine and Alder woodland birds. A surprising number of species have been seen here and there is a nice little beach where we usually find several kinds of gulls. DIRECTIONS: From Point Reyes Station on Highway 1 go just south of town, right turn onto Sir Francis Drake Blvd, follow that thru Inverness up over Inverness ridge into the Point Reyes National Seashore then go north on Pierce Point Road. The Abbotts Lagoon parking lot is on the left, in about 3 miles. Car Pool if you can, allow 1.5 hours from San Rafael.
Rodeo Lagoon – Marin Headlands | October
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 7:30/8:15 AM to noon **Note start times below Birding with William Legge and David Wiechers Register HERE for this Field Trip Registration required for this trip. Registration opens on September 29 at 8 AM Join William and David for this fourth fall migration field trip at Rodeo Lagoon. This is their long-time “patch,” which never seems to disappoint birders with daily variations in species and a good chance of an unusual sighting. On this trip, our group will be targeting scarcer passerines and other mid-fall migrants. We will begin the morning with a Sea Watch from Rodeo Beach at 7:30 AM. Those arriving later may join us at 8:15 AM for a circuit of the lagoon. A brief mid-morning ‘coffee-stop’ is planned at Headlands Center for the Arts and it would be appreciated if participants come willing to contribute via the onsite ‘tip-jar’ as a thank you to the Headlands Center for the Arts for accommodating our group. This field trip is less suitable for beginners. DIRECTIONS: Head south on Hwy 101 and take the last Sausalito exit just before the Golden Gate Bridge. At the exit stop sign, turn right and go under the freeway, then follow the road down to the left. Within 300 feet turn left at the sign to the Marin Headlands (This is the only available left turn before you begin the descent into Sausalito). You should see the tunnel with the five-minute light. Proceed through the tunnel on Bunker Rd to the Rodeo Lagoon Parking Lot at the end. Meet by the bridge over the channel to the beach or join MAS birders with scopes along the nearby beach area.
Las Gallinas and Hamilton Wetlands – Birding in Marin – Season 9, Trip 11
Birding in Marin, Season 9 – Trip 11 Saturday, November 2, 2024 8:30 AM to mid afternoon Birding with Jim White and Bob Battagin Register HERE for this Field Trip Registration will be open starting on October 23 at 8 AM. Join Jim and Bob on an easy, birdy walk of 1.5 miles around the Las Gallinas ponds where we are likely to see 10 species of ducks, five of herons, five of raptors, five of sparrows and some rails like Ridgway’s, Sora, and Virginia with Gallinules, coots, swans and geese! After lunch we are going to visit the Hamilton Wetlands, restored by the Army Corp. of Engineers in the recent 5–10 years to the SF Bay ecosystem, which have become the winter home of some ten thousand birds.We will try to find 10 species of shorebirds here while staying alert to many other possibilities. DIRECTIONS: From 101 north San Rafael take the Lucas Valley/Smith Ranch Road exit east. In about 0.5 miles, immediately after crossing the RR tracks, left turn and follow the road another 0.5 mile to the Las Gallinas parking at the end. To the Hamilton Wetlands return to 101 North, take the second exit, Nave Drive toward Hamilton. Stay on Nave Dr, heading north, to Main Gate Dr and turn right. Go east to Hanger Ave and park along the levee behind Hanger 7.
Rodeo Lagoon – Marin Headlands | November
Wednesday, November 6, 2024 7:30/8:15 AM to noon **Note start times below Birding with William Legge and David Wiechers Register HERE for this Field Trip Registration required for this trip. Registration opens on October 27 at 8 AM Join William and David for this fifth fall migration field trip at Rodeo Lagoon. This is their long-time “patch,” which never seems to disappoint birders with daily variations in species and a good chance of an unusual sighting. On this trip, our group will be targeting scarcer passerines and other mid-fall migrants. We will begin the morning with a Sea Watch from Rodeo Beach at 7:30 AM. Those arriving later may join us at 8:15 AM for a circuit of the lagoon. A brief mid-morning ‘coffee-stop’ is planned at Headlands Center for the Arts and it would be appreciated if participants come willing to contribute via the onsite ‘tip-jar’ as a thank you to the Headlands Center for the Arts for accommodating our group. This field trip is less suitable for beginners. DIRECTIONS: Head south on Hwy 101 and take the last Sausalito exit just before the Golden Gate Bridge. At the exit stop sign, turn right and go under the freeway, then follow the road down to the left. Within 300 feet turn left at the sign to the Marin Headlands (This is the only available left turn before you begin the descent into Sausalito). You should see the tunnel with the five-minute light. Proceed through the tunnel on Bunker Rd to the Rodeo Lagoon Parking Lot at the end. Meet by the bridge over the channel to the beach or join MAS birders with scopes along the nearby beach area.
Field Trips Webinar Recordings Archive
– Rare Birds of Marin 2020 – by Joseph Zeno, John King, Lucas Corneliuseen and Mark Schulist
– GIS Conservation – The Breeding Birds of Marin County – by William Wiskes – CLICK HERE
– Marin’s Breeding Birds (How We Know What We Know) by Dave DeSante – CLICK HERE
– New Breading Bird Atlas – by Juan Garcia – CLICK HERE
– Snowy Plovers: A Natural History, Breeding Biology & Conservation – CLICK HERE
– Pacific Flyway Shorebird Surveys – CLICK HERE
– Diurnal Raptors of Marin – CLICK HERE
– The Natural History of Osprey in Marin County – CLICK HERE
– Red-Tales: Hawkish Behaviors and Migratory Stories – CLICK HERE
– Improving Habitat for Central Valley Waterbirds – CLICK HERE