Marin Audubon’s Christmas Bird Counts
Three Christmas Bird Counts will be held in Marin this December. Dinner plans after the SMCBC will be announced soon!
Thursday, December 19 – Cheap Thrills CBC covering North Marin and extending into Southern Sonoma County.
Contact Susan Kelly:
Saturday, December 14 – Point Reyes CBC covering West Marin including Tomales Bay and the Point Reyes National Seashore. Register HERE and to get more information on the count and dinner.
Saturday, December 28 – South Marin CBC covering much of East Marin and extending west as far as Bolinas and Stinson Beach. Contact: Alison Pence:
Please fill out THIS FORM to volunteer for the Southern Marin Bird Count. Please email Alison Pence if you are willing to carpool.
Conduct a
Feeder Watch
If you live in the South Marin Christmas Bird Count circle and want to join this year’s count in the comfort of your home, you can become a feeder watcher! Please email your CBC coordinator HERE if you are interested and want to learn more! Field party participants who live in the count circle are invited to count their feeder birds as well.
Feeder-watchers: Feeder watches must be done on the day of the count which this year is December 31. “Feeder watchers should look for the maximum number of each species visible (or within earshot) at any one time as their maximum count. They should not just keep adding chickadees for their entire watch period. Feeder watchers also must report the number of hours spent watching their feeders. Field parties should not tally birds at feeders known to be counted by feeder watchers. … Hours spent watching must be reported separately by feeder watchers.”
Click HERE for the full National Audubon Christmas Bird Count Manual