Corte Madera Ecological Reserve (CMER)

Corte Madera Ecological Reserve (CMER) CA

Location: Corte Madera Creek Trip Leader(s): Rich Cimino Start Date: Wednesday, January 22, 2020 Start Time: 9:30 AM End Time: 12:00 PM Description: Purchased in 2016 by Marin Audubon, this important bayland property has undergone extensive restoration work in subsequent years thanks to the hard work of Marin Audubon Society board members, hired restoration specialists, and volunteers. The area is now a restored marsh that supports an important population of Ridgway's Rails and other special status species and includes a newly created high tide refuge habitat where volunteers have planted 16,200 native plants. Regularly scheduled workdays are held here for those who might like to help with the continuing restoration work, but on this particular day, we will join Rich for a tour of the area with a focus on BIRDS! Recently Rich began visiting the area regularly and will share his discoveries with us. Species we may see are ducks, long-legged waders, shorebirds, rails, plovers, kites, osprey, sparrows and meadow larks. No restrooms are available here. Bring binoculars, scopes, layers, water, and snacks. Heavy rain cancels. Directions: CMER is located behind Trader Joe's at the eastern end of Industrial Way in Corte Madera. Meet and park behind Trader Joe's.