Birding Eastern Yolo County


Location: Davis, CA Trip Leader(s): John Klobas & Sarah Brooks Start Date: Monday, February 17, 2020 Start Time: 8:30 AM End Time: 3:30 PM Description: The low lying agricultural fields, ponds, and refuges of eastern Yolo County are the focus of this trip. In February, bird diversity and numbers are at their wintertime peak, and we will seek the spectacle of those numbers. Burrowing owls are among the most threatened of California's owls. We will look for this small, ground dwelling owl in the Davis area before heading to West Sacramento's Bridgeway Pond. Sandwiched between a suburb, mega warehouses, and the deep-water shipping channel, this pond is the winter home of Blue-winged Teal and Cinnamon Teal, Sora, raptors, and perhaps some diving ducks as well. This pond was the home for several months of last year's mega rarity, a male Garganey duck, which was seen by a few members of the trip last February, a week before it was positively identified. Next we will seek habitat for Wood Ducks near the Sacramento River. Wood Ducks, usually a restive, shy species, are not as skittish here as they are in hunting areas. Our location for lunch is weather dependent, but the afternoon will find us heading back towards Davis, finishing our day at the Vic Fazio Wildlife Area (Yolo Bypass) where we will enjoy the waterfowl and water bird spectacle. In the event of flooding in the Bypass, we will bird other areas around Davis. Directions: We will meet in Davis in the El Macero Center (Nugget Market and Starbucks) to organize the day and introduce the itinerary. Exit I-80 at Mace Blvd. in Davis, turn left on the frontage road, then a quick right to Mace Blvd., then an immediate right into the El Macero parking lot. We'll be in between Nugget Market and Starbucks. Please carpool if at all possible. A smaller number of cars allows us to be much more opportunistic and lessens our carbon footprint. Allow 2 hours for an early morning winter drive to Davis from most North Bay locations. Heavy rain cancels. Dress in layers. Include rain gear. Binoculars are a must and bring a scope if you have one. This is a car-oriented trip with minimal walking. Wear shoes that can withstand muddy conditions. Bring lunch, snacks, and drinks. Nugget is a full-service market that opens at 7 AM. Let's go birding!