Field Trips
Birding at Jean & John Starkweather Shoreline Park
CAThursday, December 9, 2021 - 11 AM to 1 PM - CLICK HERE to register for this field trip
Birding with Rich Cimino and Janet Bodle
Registration for this trip will be open starting on November 29 at 8:00 AM. There is a limit of 20 for this trip. There will not be a waiting list, and no drop-ins allowed. All participants must be fully vaccinated.
Join Rich for an easy bird walk on level ground during the incoming high tide high tide. We will bird the shoreline of San Pablo Bay watching for shorebirds on the rocks and diving ducks, loons, and grebes on the bay. We will also bird the fresh ponds water looking for wintering dappling ducks, warblers, White- crowned Sparrow. Bring your scope, water, and snacks. No Restrooms are available at the bird walk. Meet in the parking lot for the Jean and John Starkweather Shoreline trailhead. Heavy rain will cancel.
DIRECTIONS: From the north, take Hwy 101 to the Bellam Blvd. exit. Turn left on Bellam then right on East Francisco Blvd., which parallels I-580. Head east (toward the Richmond/San Rafael Bridge for about 1-1/2 miles. You will see a Bay Café Signage follow to the rear of parking lot at the Bay Park Center. Turn left on Pelican Way then right to the trailhead parking area. From the south you can take the exit to the San Rafael Bridge getting off at the last Marin exit, the San Quentin exit. For GPS, use the Bay Café address, 2165 Francisco Blvd., San Rafael.