Field Trips
Rodeo Lagoon – Marin Headlands
CAWednesday, November 9, 2022
7:30 AM to noon **Please note this is the correct time. TicketBud only allows an 8AM start time, but please meet at 7:30 AM
Birding with William Legge and David Wiechers
Register HERE for this Field Trip
Registration opens October 31 at 8AM. Limit of 15 fully vaccinated participants for this trip. There will not be a waiting list. No drop-ins, please.
Early-November is a surprisingly active time for migrants at this Marin Headlands location, as we search for scarcer late fall migrants including winter wildfowl, loons, grebes and passerine migrants. As always, the weather will determine the focus of our search on the day. This “hotspot” has produced some memorable Marin rarities in recent Novembers, including Tricolored Heron, Scaly-breasted Munia and Rusty Blackbird. We will begin the morning with a sea watch and/or visible migration watch at 7:30 AM. Those arriving later may join us at 8:15 AM for a circuit of the lagoon.
DIRECTIONS: Head south on Hwy 101, taking the last Sausalito exit just before the Golden Gate Bridge. At the exit stop sign, turn right. Go under the freeway, following the road to the left. Within 300 feet turn left at the sign to the Marin Headlands (This is the only available left turn before you begin the descent into Sausalito). You should see the tunnel with the five-minute light. Proceed through the tunnel on Bunker Rd to the Rodeo Lagoon Parking Lot. Meet by the bridge over the channel to the beach.
Become a chapter supporting member of the Marin Audubon Society starting at $35 a year, or RENEW your membership today! Your membership helps to fund important efforts such as our ongoing habitat restoration projects, the Monarch Rescue Project, and our Northern Spotted Owl Outreach program. We cannot do these important projects, along with our many other efforts, without the support of our dedicated members!