Field Trips
Nicasio / Tomales Bay – Birding in Marin – Season 8, Trip 4
CASaturday, April 1st - 8:30 AM to mid-afternoon
With Jim White and Bob Battagin
Register HERE for this field trip
Registration for this trip is required. Registration opens Wednesday, March 22 at 8 AM.
The rolling hills of central Marin are covered with pastures, horse ranches, forested ridges, homes, reservoirs and occupied by many interesting birds. We will look for them in and around Nicasio and along the nearby stream before heading three miles north to see what is on and around Nicasio Reservoir. This is Bob’s birding “patch” and he has found both Bald and Golden Eagles recently with a nice array of other birds in this vicinity.
We expect to travel the few miles to Point Reyes Station for a lunch break or picnic. In the after- noon we will explore the south end Tomales Bay. Then, as time allows, we can explore the eastern edge of Tomales Bay along Highway 1, which supports a winter population of thousands of ducks, geese and shorebirds. We might travel 10 miles north to see if an Eagle’s nest is having success. Heavy Rain cancels.
DIRECTIONS: From Hwy 101 in north San Rafael take Lucas Valley Rd west 10.3 miles then right turn onto Nicasio Valley Rd for 0.5 miles and park near the baseball field, the center of town. For GPS use 1 Old Rancheria Rd Nicasio, the address for the Rancho Nicasio Restaurant. Meet at ball field in Nicasio.