Field Trips
King Mountain Preserve – Larkspur
CAFriday, June 9, 2023
8:00 AM to 10:30 AM
Birding with Rich Cimino and Janet Bodle
All participants are welcome to join this trip. No registration required.
Join us on King Mountain for a bird walk that welcomes beginners as well as experienced birders. This accessible Preserve, rising above the main streets in Larkspur, is frequented by hikers, but not so much by birders. Janet and I survey King Mt. as part the Marin Audubon Breeding Bird Atlas project. We would like to introduce Marin Audubon birders to this location.
It's breeding season so any of the breeding migrants are probable, such as Lazuli Bunting, Black-throated Grey Warbler, and Yellow Warbler. Resident birds such as Wrentit and Pileated Woodpecker have been seen recently.
While the steep trail provides some excellent views, it can get quite warm. Bring liquid and wear a wide brimmed hat.
Directions from the corner of Magnolia Ave and Ward St in Larkspur: coming from north, turn right on Ward (left from the South), right on Hawthorne Ave, left on Willow Ave. Park and meet at trail head gate (Citron Fire Rd.) on Willow Ave.
Contact Cell - (925) 353-0266