Thursday, October 13 at 7:00 PM
Speaker: Bob Lewis
Free and open to the public.
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The story of hummingbird evolution starts about 50 million years ago, far from the lands they currently inhabit. We'll trace the history of their evolution and then briefly discuss relationships between the 9 tribes of living species. After reviewing California's 7 most common species - all belonging to the Bee tribe, we'll look at other North American species, and then examine representatives of the other tribes, mostly concentrated in South America. Finally, we'll consider some conservation issues and end with a few words on hummingbird photography.
Bob trained as a chemist and worked in the energy field for 33 years. He’s taught birding classes in the Bay Area for over 25 years and served as the chair of Golden Gate Audubon’s Adult Education Committee. Bob was honored with American Birding Association’s Chandler Robbins Award for Education and Conservation in 2016. He loves to travel and has photographed and chased birds in over 40 countries. His life list is over 5000 species.
Caption – Costa’s Hummingbird
Photo by – Bob Lewis