Thursday June 15, 2023, 7:00 PM
Speaker: Jude Stalker
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For almost twenty-five years Marin Audubon Society (MAS) has been acquiring wetlands (or historical wetlands) and adjacent upland properties in Marin County; restoring, stewarding, and preserving the land as valuable wildlife habitat.Some of these properties came very close to being developed but ended up with MAS due to the perseverance of those individuals who early on understood the value and importance of wetland habitat.Some have been stewarded by an impressive group of dedicated volunteers and enjoyed for their beauty and bountiful birdlife by many people throughout the years.
Jude Stalker will take you on a virtual tour of several of these properties and fill you in on the interesting ways that they were acquired and of how they have been restored, enhanced, and stewarded to support the many native plants and animals that are populating them now.
Jude is a wetland biologist who has worked in and around the SF bay wetlands for over twenty years.She is a long-time member of the board of MAS and spends much of her free time volunteering to help steward the MAS (and other) properties.