Calendar of Events
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Habitat Potential with Josiah Clark
Habitat Potential with Josiah Clark
Speaker: Josiah Clark Host: Doug Waterman Start Date: Thursday, June 11, 2020 Start Time: 7:30 PM End Time: 9:00 PM Description: An online Zoom meeting, this presentation will note dozens of bird and plant species, focusing on important resources that provide for local birds and wildlife. Josiah will share conservation related information on the limiting factors of vulnerable and declining groups, including cup-nesting songbirds, precocial young and birds of open habitats. This presentation aims to help naturalists both find more species and become more informed conservation advocates. Consulting ecologist Josiah Clark grew up steeped in the natural history of the Bay Area, where he has been birding for more than 20 years. Defining moments of birding experiences include: observation and mist-netting on Southeast Farallon Island; extensive travel, study, and tour leading in Latin America; and a 24 hour birding and bicycling marathon in Marin County during which he spotted 158 species. Josiah owns Natures Acres Nursery and Habitat Potential Consulting. Both are dedicated to interpreting, preserving, and creating productive wildlife habitats in the human landscape. We will post the link to the Zoom meeting in early June.
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Sierra Valley Overnight Trip with Rich Cimino – MAS Chapter Supporting Membership Required
Sierra Valley Overnight Trip with Rich Cimino – MAS Chapter Supporting Membership Required
Location: Highway 89 North of Truckee Trip Leader(s): Rich Cimino Start Date: Thursday, June 25, 2020 End Date: Saturday, June 27, 2020 Start Time: End Time: Description: REGISTRATION OPENS MARCH 2. The valley floor of this popular Sierra birding destination is covered with sagebrush scrub, broken by freshwater marshes, grasslands and riparian woodland. On Friday we will bird the valley floor and western portion of Sierra Valley where the headwaters of the Feather River support freshwater marshes. The western edge of the valley is made up of coniferous forest and chaparral. On Saturday morning we will bird the Yuba Pass area, which is high Alpine habitat. This portion of the trip requires walking for three hours while we bird. For a list of birds seen in this Important Bird Area (IBA), check out both Plumas and Sierra County checklists at: Many of the birds on these lists will be present at the time of our visit. This popular trip will fill quickly, so sign up right away if you are interested in joining our group. The trip will be limited to 15 participants. When reserving your lodging, be mindful of the distance you'll need to travel to meet the group each morning in Sierraville. Although there is no charge, you must be a Chapter Supporting Member of Marin Audubon to participate. To sign up for the trip, email Jeanine Starritt at . Be sure to provide your name(s), email address and phone number. If you are not yet a Marin Audubon Chapter Supporting Member, please sign up at prior to registering for this trip. Participants will be responsible for their own lodging or camping arrangements in the Sierraville, Truckee or Portola areas. Plan to arrive in the area on the evening of June 25. Those confirmed on the trip will receive additional information and instructions prior to the trip.
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Best of Mitchell Canyon with Bruce Mast
Best of Mitchell Canyon with Bruce Mast
Mitchell Canyon, on Mount Diablo’s northern flank is one of the best examples of mid-elevation riparian habitat in the East Bay. Along with numerous avian residents, spring brings an assortment of neotropical migrants including warblers, vireos, flycatchers, tanagers, grosbeaks, and hummingbirds. The canyon is also famous for its spring butterflies and wildflowers, including the rare endemic Mount Diablo globe lily (also called fairy lantern).
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