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Marin Audubon Speakers Series with Nora Livingston on Zoom Thursday May 14, 2020 at 7:30pm PDT
May 14, 2020 @ 7:30 pm
The Marin Audubon May Speaker Series meeting, “Mono Lake; A Simple Ecosystem With a Complex History” by Nora Livingston, is going ahead as a ZOOM Teleconference at the regularly scheduled meeting time, May 14 at 7:30pm PDT.
Access the Zoom meeting at this link, and use this meeting number, and password.
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4912821528?pwd=T0owOWJGeEk3amVYZzk5SXp4eTFTQT09
Meeting ID: 491 282 15288
Password: 685200
Join naturalist Nora Livingston for a talk about Mono Lake, one of California’s best birding spots, to learn about the natural, cultural, and political history of the lake and what birds you might expect to see there. Nora will share current news about the lake and about the exciting natural history programs she leads in the summer.
Nora Livingston is the Mono Lake Committee’s Lead Naturalist Guide. She leads natural history field seminars, custom birding and ecology trips at Mono Lake, and co-organizes the Mono Basin Bird Chautauqua. Nora spent 8 years as a field ornithologist in many supreme California locations including the Farallon Islands, Santa Cruz Island, Point Reyes, and the Eastern Sierra before switching to interpretation to share her knowledge about birds and Mono Lake with visitors from around the world.
Another way to access the meeting is via
One tap mobile + 16699006833,,4912821528#,,1#,685200# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,4912821528#,,1#,685200# US (Tacoma)