Christmas Bird Count

Thursday, November 14, 2024 7:00PM - 9:00PM Speaker: Josiah Clark Register HERE for this Speaker Series Topic: Josiah will speak to us about the upcoming Christmas Bird Count (CBC), the annual early-winter bird census conducted in December.  Josiah will be discussing counting strategies and best practices for counting birds and covering areas on the count, including the virtues of the count circle, methods for preventing undercounting, tips on note taking and how good CBC coverage and data collecting habits set the stage for increasing numbers of detections and the accuracy of counts.  He will also discuss strategies for promoting the CBC and attracting younger birders. Speaker Bio: Josiah Clark grew up steeped in the natural history of the Bay Area, where he has been birding for more than 20 years. Some of his defining birding experiences include observation and mist-netting on Southeast Farallon Island; extensive travel, study, and tour-leading in Latin America; and a 24-hour birding and bicycling marathon in Marin County during which he spotted 158 species. Josiah runs Habitat Potential, dedicated to interpreting, preserving, and creating productive wildlife habitats in the Bay Area human landscape.   Next Speaker - Thursday, December 12, 2024 Colombia: South America’s Birding Mecca Speaker: Benny Jacobs-Schwartz