Thursday, March 13th 7:00pm - 9:00pm Speaker: Heidi Perryman Register HERE for this Speaker Series Topic: Beavers and their dams create wetlands, store and filter water, augment fish populations, raise the number of migratory and songbirds, and have a dramatic positive impact on biodiversity. Dr. Perryman will discuss how working to help people understand and coexist with this single species will continue to have a beneficial trickle-down impact on both humans and wildlife and improve resilience to ongoing climate changes. Speaker Bio: Heidi Perryman, Ph.D., is a child psychologist who became an accidental beaver advocate when beavers moved into her hometown in 2006. She started the organization “Worth A Dam” to coordinate solutions and educate others about their value in the watershed. She has helped coordinate information and network support with other beaver advocates across North America and Europe, and her website is an important source of information and advocacy for the species.
Hamilton Wetlands – Novato
Friday, March 14, 2025 9 AM to 12 PM Birding with David Sexton and Matt Keller Register HERE for this Field Trip Registration required. Registration opens at 8AM on March 4. Join us for an exciting morning of birding at Hamilton Wetlands with Point Blue Conservation Science! The site is one of the largest wetland restoration projects in the North Bay Area, home to the endangered Ridgway’s Rail. We will search for a dozen shorebird species, including Snowy Plover and Black-necked Stilt, Canvasback and other wintering ducks, herons and egrets, elusive rails, raptors such as White-tailed Kite, and songbirds like wintering Golden-crowned Sparrow. Anyone is welcome to join, from those with no birding experience to the most seasoned birders. Binoculars will be provided if needed. We recommend bringing water, sun protection, layers of clothing, and comfortable walking shoes. Our walk will be on a wide, flat compacted dirt/gravel levee, possibly with some mud. A fully accessible bathroom will be available at the start and end of the event. Directions: meet at Point Blue’s Novato Baylands native plant nursery at 737 Aberdeen Road, Novato, CA From Hwy 101 take exit 458 to merge onto Nave Dr toward Hamilton Field. Turn right onto Hamilton Pkwy. Turn left through an open gate onto Aberdeen Rd, then keep to the right at the fork to proceed to the nursery. From there, we’ll carpool a short distance to the middle of the site.
Rodeo Lagoon – Marin Headlands
Wednesday, March 26, 2025 7:30 AM to 12:00 PM **Please note the 7:30 and 8:00 AM start times below Birding with William Legge & David Wiechers Register HERE for this Field Trip Registration is required for this trip. Registration opens on March 16 at 8:00 AM. With early spring migration underway will be looking out for migrant wildfowl, grebes, loons, gulls, and passerines. As usual, the weather will dictate our focus with onshore northwest winds ideal for spring sea watches, while offshore easterly winds promise a good selection of late winter and early summer passerine migrants. Join us for a Sea Watch at 7:30 AM or arrive later at 8:00 AM for a circuit of the lagoon. A brief mid-morning ‘coffee-stop’ is planned at Headlands Center for the Arts and it would be appreciated if participants come willing to contribute via the onsite ‘tip-jar’ as a thank you to the Headlands Center for the Arts for accommodating our group. This field trip is less suitable for beginners. DIRECTIONS: Head south on Hwy 101 and take the last Sausalito exit just before the Golden Gate Bridge. At the exit stop sign, turn right and go under the freeway, then follow the road down to the left. Within 300 feet turn left at the sign to the Marin Headlands; this is the only available left turn before you begin the descent into Sausalito. You should see the tunnel with the five-minute signal light. Proceed through the tunnel on Bunker Road to the Rodeo Lagoon Parking Lot at the end and meet by the bridge over the channel to the beach.
Piper Park & Marin Art and Garden Center
Piper Park - Larkspur, and Marin Art and Garden Center - Ross Saturday, March 29 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM Birding with Rich Cimino All participants are welcome to join this trip Piper Park has an Oak-Pine ornamental “forest” around its picnic area, which can have Pygmy Nuthatches, Pine Siskins, three species of woodpeckers, and Red-breasted Sapsucker. The athletic field may have Canada Geese, White-fronted Geese, Cackling Geese, American Pipits, Western Meadow Larks, Western Blue Birds, Says Phoebe, fly by White-tailed Kite and Red-shouldered Hawk. At 10 AM we’ll drive to the Marin Arts and Gardens Center property. Here we may be lucky to see and hear early migrants, and a remaining wintering species. Possible early migrants species could be Western Tanager, Black-headed Grosbeak, Warbling Vireo and warbler species. The field trip ends at noon. Those who want to enjoy the picnic grounds bring their meals and drinks. Trails in both locations are flat and easy to navigate. Both locations have bathrooms and parking. Meet at the Piper Park parking lot at 8:00 AM. Nearest exit to Piper Park from the 101 is 450A. The Park is located off of Doherty Road, behind the Central Marin Police Authority.
The Ponds at Las Gallinas Valley Sanitary District
Thursday, April 3, 2025 8:30 AM to noon Birding with Mark Clark All participants are welcome to join this trip. We welcome bird enthusiasts of all levels, especially beginning birders, to join leader Mark Clark on our monthly first Thursday walk around the ponds at Las Gallinas. On our search we’ll be looking for waterfowl, waders, songbirds, raptors, rails and swallows. We are likely to spot some interesting species, so come assist in our search. The packed dirt paths around the ponds are wide, flat and easy to navigate. Heavy rain cancels. DIRECTIONS: From Hwy 101, exit at Smith Ranch Rd. Drive east on Smith Ranch Rd. toward McInnis Park. Turn left immediately after crossing the railroad tracks and drive about 0.5 mile through the LGVSD gates and into the parking lot at the end of the road. Meet the group by the bridge just past the parking lot. There is a portable restroom in the parking area for public use.
Five Brooks / Bear Valley
Birding in Marin | Season 10, Trip 4 Saturday, April 5, 2025 8:30 AM – mid afternoon Birding with Jim White and Bob Battagin Register HERE for this Field Trip Registration is required for this trip. Registration opens on March 26 at 8:00 AM. Join Jim and Bob for an easy walk around the Five Brooks pond with a chance to see beautiful Wood ducks. Our late master Rich Stallcup installed wood duck nesting boxes with a little of my help back in the 1990s. Bob and I with some consistent help refurbish the boxes each spring. We will also have a chance to see some woodpeckers including the large and loud Pileated as well as other forest birds. The Bear Valley visitor center will be our second area to visit where we like to take another gentle walk around the Earth Quake Trail. We hope to find some recently arrived nesting birds such as Warbling Vireo, Western Wood Pewee, Black-headed Grosbeaks and Pacific Slope Flycatchers. Bring lunch, drinks. Heavy Rain cancels. Directions: Meet at the Five Brooks parking lot. Take Highway 1 north 17 miles from Mill Valley, or 8 miles from Stinson Beach or 5 miles South of Olema at the Sir Francis Drake Blvd intersection. There is a 1/4 mile access road up to the parking area.
The Farallon Restoration Project
Thursday, April 10, 2025 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Speaker: Pete Warzybok - Point Blue More information coming soon!